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Thursday, February 4, 2010

unique blankets...

Whilst doing some research on India and the Ladakh region, I stumbled across this dutch site....You see, spelling has never been my strong point!
But, what a great find!
LADAK blankets are extraordinary pieces of skilled handicraft. The starting point for each blanket is recycled sweaters, blankets, jeans etc etc which are then lavishly decorated with ribbons and rich fabrics.
LADAK stands for warmth, comfort and protection in style: on the couch, at the beach, on a patio, at a picnic or in a boat.
Each blanket is named after a homeless person, and as in life no two people are the same, no two blankets are the same.

Blankets (200cm/140cm) cost 189 Euros with 15% of it's profits being donated to an Amsterdam shelter for the homeless.

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